The program on Sunday 16 March is as follows:
08:30h: Runners Village open
09:30h: KPMG Lentemarathon start (no later than 09:20 in the general start section)
10:30h: Half marathon start (no later than 10:20 in the general start section)
11:00: Start Lentewandeling organized by AV Startbaan & Amstelveen Sport (be in the starting area no later than 10:50)
11:30h: Start Stadshart Amstelveen Kids Run
12:00h: Start 5K (no later than 13:05 in the general start box)
13:15h: Start PUMA x DailyRun 10K (no later than 13:05 in the general starting area)
16:00h: Finish final runners
Address: Stadsplein, Amstelveen
All times as shown above are subject to change.

The start/finish is at the Stadshart in Amstelveen.
Next to the Stadshart Amstelveen is the bus stop “Amstelveen Bus Station”. At this stop, numerous buses arrive and depart in different directions. The Stadshart is also easily accessible by tram 5 and tram 25 (take into account a 5-minute walk).
Parking is available in the garages. Please note that this is paid parking. Bicycles can be parked in the designated bicycle racks around Stadshart.